Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chinese Style Divorce Chapter 5

Xiao Feng is still on her business trip, Dan Dan is still at his grandparents, and Gao Song is in the hospital with a bad infection of sorts. He hands the neighbor (who is in a pretty blue dresssuit with a nice jacket) his keys and asks that she bring back his cell phone for him. She goes to his house, grabs his cell phone, but cannot leave behind the mess that is a bachelor's pad. So she takes off her coat, and starts to clean. Meanwhile, Xiao Feng has returned to her parents' house, hands out some pressies to her folks, and trudges to her home to talk to Gao Song, who is still in the hospital. She sees the coat hanging on back of the chair that the neighbor has left there. She mistakenly believes it belongs to Gao Song's lover. She grabs it and storms back to her parents. Neighborlady realizes she forgot her coat and lets herself back into the apartment. Only it is gone, Xiao Feng has it at her parents'. Gao Song is out of the hospital. Tells little brother that he could be dead and Xiao Feng wouldn't care. Little brother takes him to a restaurant where Gao Song sees his fiancee with another man. Little brother goes wild, interrupts the dinner, and the couple breaks up. Next we see them back together again, and wonderously in love. Confused? Join the club. Meanwhile, Xiao Feng's parents talk her into going home and talking to Gao Song. She brings the coat and asks who "she" is. Of course Gao Song really doesn't know what she is talking about, but recognizes the coat. But he doesn't say anything, fearing she may then get the wrong idea about her friend, the neighborlady. She storms out. Then calls him at work the next day asking if there relationship was heading for a divorce, then hangs up.

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